
As a treatment used to restore a decayed, damaged or worn-out tooth back to its original function and shape, our restoration solutions cover the most efficient workflows available in the field of prosthetic dentistry, which ranges from scanning to design and milling and so on. 

Intraoral Scanning
With the help of our smart intraoral scanner, a digital impression is captured  to  improve the quality of dental preparation as well as the effectiveness of CAD design and digital production.
Treatment Plan Setting
Integrated AccuDesign model editing tools work to plan the treatment, so that the doctors can directly print the intraoral data of patients for better communication.

After that, a range of details will be verified such as the thickness of the material for final plan, while at the same time the patients can preview the orthodontic results through our device. 
Milling and Grinding 
Based on our customers' needs, the restorations will be milled or grinded through our grinder to promote the creation of restorations of high quality and esthetics.
Sintering and glazing
Afterwards, the restorations will be sintered and glazed in the use of our zirconia firing furnace to make our finished products more polished and durable.
Once finished, the restorations will be stained and glazed, and the final results will also be confirmed with our products to ensure that the quality of the treatment  follow the plan.
Our high quality intraoral scanner, grinder and zirconia firing furnace enable us to offer high-quality dentistry to patients, which is not only cost-effective but time-saving.
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Office Add: West Tower of Guomei Smart City, No.33 Juxin Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou China

Factory Add: Junzhi Industrial Park, Baoan District, Shenzhen China

Contact Us
Contact person: Eric Chen
WhatsApp: +86 19926035851

Contact person: Focus Fung
Whatsapp/wechat: +86 189 2893 9416
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